Tuesday, November 18, 2008

our new beautiful front yard

we had moved in for more than a year now, yet we havent spend anytime for taking care our front yard since we moved in. there's this day i cant take it anymore since we are kinda own the title for "the ugliest front yard" in the neighbourhood, so we decided to give it a new look. after digging, picking and planting for 2 days, with the helps from sister and the little naughty boy Euan, of course the biggest helper woei hsian, we finally have the most colorful front yard in our neighbourhood, yeah~~
well, all of us ended up with the stupid backache for several days esp me doing the job with my 7 months old big belly....almost took my life...hehe...
but it's all worthwhile~


minxian said...

pWEEtIe yArD~~
but wat is the matter with the cat???
ur new pet?
oh..jiefu own it rite??

Eunice Wang said...

his name is pepper, such a glue cat, whereever we go, he follows. it used to belong to hsian's sister but we adopted him last year, huge male cat & naughty too...

Angust Almighty said...

fat pepper.

wheres cookie? sis house?

Eunice Wang said...

yes, he is getting bigger. cookies is with sis.