well, we went in for a regular routine check up at our 31st week. it's so amazing that we can see our baby girl sucks her thumb, rub her eyes, move her hands, legs and head....2 months to go before we can meet her in person =) can't wait to see our baby girl, excited yet nervous, esp the process of the labor, guess every first time parents will have the same feelings. we went for childbirth class, going to attend breasfeeding, infant cpr and basic baby care classes too. hope to know as much as we can before baby is born so that we are more ready =)
anyway, back to the result of the ultrasound, our little girl has daddy's small ears, daddy's nose and mummy's eyes....at 31st week, most baby weight 3 pounds but our little girl weight 4.5 pounds already. way way way too big for 31st week. doc said she can easily reach 8 to 10 pounds when she is born. so i have to watch my diet, cut down rices and breads. (we really wonder what went wrong because i hardly eat full meals nowsaday. i get full so easily guess because she is too big and taken all my stomach space) gotta do more exercises & walking. wish i was at kl home, so that i can climb the stairs everyday, hehe...
at one point we are wondering, whether we counted the date correctly because we are not too sure about it at the very beginning, might be missed it by 1 or 2 weeks in this incident. hsian's sister told me she dreamed that our little girl gotta be a christmas baby, wow, that's a month earlier, is that possible that we miscalculated for a month????? hmmmm.....maybe this is why my belly is so huge...hehe...
hopefully baby is not too big or else i might have to schedule earlier labor or if she is way too huge, c-section might be considerated. now i am worried, mum gotta be here on the 6th Jan 09, can she make it before baby is born??? now we are telling our baby girl to wait for her beloved grandma, just a little reminder for her...hopefully it works =p
oh yeah, my 2nd sugar test came back normal, happy~~~