Tuesday, September 30, 2008

is a girl =)

Finally, today is our ultrasound appointment. baby is moving so much as usual and we finally got to know the sex of the baby, we are having a baby girl =) our due date changed to 25th Jan 09 according to the size of the baby. Guess daddy's six sense was right, Woei Hsian woke up in the middle of the night 2 days ago and told me that he dreamed that we are having a baby girl then went back to zzzz. Pik Geen was telling me that she guess we are having a baby girl too. as well as Scott. everyone is right, hehe...

I always luv this name, Maya. but then sis told me that it can be spell as Mya, and it was so meant to be that she likes her daughter's name as Mya too (if she has one). we both think Mya is cooler than Maya =)

Now, the very "gender discriminate" god mother - javien should finally relieve that i am having a baby girl. or else she doesnt want to be the god mum. what a god mother huh...hehe

the whole process was good. we saw baby's heart, kidney, arms, legs, head, and face. she was so shy that she blocked her face with her arm at the begining but then we keep telling her to move her arm away so that we can see her thru ultrasound and she finally did. that's how we got this scannings =)

now we can start looking and shopping at her clothes...hurray =)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Confinement Recipe from Gillian =)

today i received an email from one of my old friend - Gillian. i am so touched by her thoughtful advices =) there's this everything you need to know about confinements and the recipes....so happy and printed it out right away as a reference. of course sent a copy to mum so that mum can look at it and know better when mum is here to help during my confinement =)

thank you Gillian =D

Saturday, September 20, 2008

some little stuffs for baby =)

without knowing the gender of the baby it's difficult for us to do the shopping at this moment but i can't help but to look at it and still bought a couple of something for our precious one =)

hopefully these are still pretty ok with baby girl OR baby boy =)

as for the baby plus, it's a recommended from the pretty mums - my cousin and sister. i started the prenatal education in 18 weeks and now we are in lesson 2 =)
baby is gonna be a smart girl/boy =)

Splash Park with Euan

browsing thru my pictures and found these. we went to splash park with euan in May 08. that's his first time there in the splash park. i brought this up because i then realized at that time i'm already pregnant with my precious little one without knowing it. still jumping around and playing with euan like a crazy woman. hehe...
felt so blessing that God gave me this little precious =)

miss home, thinking about my another nephew - my beloved long yik....

goodies from Malaysia =)

yesterday finally got all the goodies from Malaysia, Chay Xiang is visiting us here in Houston, he drove all the way from Arkansas to Houston and pass us the goodies that Angust brought back from Malaysia =) hehe, i actually took most of his luggage space, so bad~

looking at all the efforts that families and friends had put in really make me feel like crying, so touching touching =,)

of course tons of foods from mom, sisters & mother inlaw.
bird nest from mum - baby's grandma...next time when baby born with fair skin gotta thank grandma lor =p

royal jelly from second sister and the rest from third sister. both are baby's aunties....satay, marmite, asam, kentucky fried chicken powder, keropok & etc all from 3rd ah yee lor...

then we have ikan bilis, dried shrimp, shrimp paste that cooked by her, some organic drink from mother inlaw- baby's grandma...

i also got a baby guide book in chinese from baby's ah yee - my cousin, ting ting. so so so happy because i couldnt found one that is in chinese right here. can't wait but to read it right away even it's 12am in the night...hehe...felt so close to hometown because it's my own language =D

then i got 2 books from baby's god brother - angust =) one has his wishes and signature that writte "May your shop be prosperous", it's a card making book....and the other one is baby first year record book, sob sob....so gan dong...hehe
of course the god brother not only the delivery boy but the shopping boy for me to get some ribena, heong peng, sa kei ma, marmite, malta & etc for me =) guess i will only put on weight now huh , then for sure scolded by doctor =D

not to forget keng seong that helped us to buy the 2 dom in the airport and brought all the way back to the states =)

thank you so much, and we really appreaciate that...
i am so happy because even though we are so far away from home but stil got all the cares and wishes from everyone =) what's better than that?


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

i think i felt the baby

besides the Hurricane Ike few days back, i think there's an update about me and the baby. i think i finally felt the baby is kicking or moving inside my belly. i am suppose to be able to feel the baby few weeks back but i guess it's either my fat too thick around the belly, or i am too slow to feel the baby. what a relief to feel my little precious now =)

Hurricane Ike

I never experience a hurricane or tornado in my life untill 4 days ago. On the morning of September 13, 2008, the eye of Hurricane Ike approached the Texas coast near Galveston Bay, making landfall at 2:10 a.m. Unfortunately, Harris County where we live is in the direct path of this disaster. Although we did not called for the evacuation but you can see ppl are busy preparing for the storms. Everyone rushed into the gas station & grocery stores. There's long queue in every gas station. Waters, breads, can foods, ices, batteries, genarators, candles, torch lights, charcoals, propane, plywoods & etc are all running out. We have to go to several stores to get what we need.

We are suppose to go to a retreat meeting in Dallas but due to this disaster, we decided to stay and get well preparation before it hits. I am so glad that Hsian stay back with us instead of heading to Dallas for the meeting. Anna said this to us before the hurricane hit, she said "think about being together but not afraid of the crowded highway" and that is really true. there's too many ppl evacuated from the southern part of Texas and the traffic was really really bad.

Sister, Scott and baby Euan stay wil us before the hurricane hit. We just want to go thru this together. Plus the 2 pine trees infront of their house is just too fragile that they look like they gonna fell anytime in the wind speed that travel 100 miles/hours.

The hurricane hit our neighborhood at around 5-6am. raining all day and the power went off for 3-4 days in our area. it was so humid and hot till none of us gets enough sleeps during the disaster. Fortunately Hsian has this backup system that we use it during the camping trip where we can use our car engine to power up our fridge to prevent the foods got spoiled or tv and a light in the same time & that really help us alot.

His mind of course keep thinking about business. He wanted to go to Austin and get a few generators and bring it back and sell it to the ppl that needs it but at the end we didnt have time to do so because there's so much to clean up after the hurricane hit. and we have this curfew going on, noone is suppose to hang around from 9pm till 6am, we are urge to stay home.

we took some pictures in our neigborhood. we are so fortunate that there's not much damage in both our homes.

I never listen to a weather channel for such a long hours in my life before =p we are so blessed that everyone of us in the family is safe and the good thing about it is we spend our time together as a family with sis they all.

let's pray for the ppl out there esp in Cuba, Southern part of Texas and everyone in this disaster.

Monday, September 8, 2008

i am expecting.....

i was away for the summer and just got back to houston not long ago...it's been a while that i didnt update my blog. decided to keep up with it because i want to let my baby know how i feel about him/her during the whole pregnancy.

oh btw, i am expecting, baby is 19 weeks now. i was so emotional when hsian left to summer job because at the time i was already pregnant without knowing it =D so silly huh. i then ended up spending my summer with him in Virginia so that i have a company. well, got to know some good kids in his headquaters and from the program, i spent mostly my time cooking, reading, watching movie and zzzz for the whole summer, very very unproductive. we then went to california for a short vacation because we know once baby is born, we can hardly get away...hehe..thank you hsian for being such an understanding husband =)

anyway, california trip was a really good one. met molly and thanks to nick, we save all the accomodation and car rental expenses. no doubt it was a good eating trip, my appetite finally came back when i was in california, thank God for that. was kinda sick in the first trimester and gets tired very easily but now everything seems to get better =)

i gained so much weight =( friends and families are all laughing at me and make fun of my fat belly...is ok, wait until they get pregnant one day...hehe

we havent found out the sex of the baby yet, can't wait =)
due date is on the 27th Jan 09....that will be the 1st day of CNY.

was hopping maybe my mom in-law can come to help out a little when the baby is born but sister is going back to malaysia for CNY celebration, so noone will be around except my mum and woei hsian, and of course scott. well, gotta really figure out a way to survive when mum left and when hsian go for his travel routine.

let me scan the ultrasound print out that i got from my nurse during my first check up in Virginia. not so clear though because she is not a pro, she is not suppose to scan for me but due to my curiosity, she did it for me =) thank you

baby is moving so much even in the early stage, we can see his/her hands and legs waving and kicking non stop. so funny~ we are the 3 aquarius family =)