Finally, today is our ultrasound appointment. baby is moving so much as usual and we finally got to know the sex of the baby, we are having a baby girl =) our due date changed to 25th Jan 09 according to the size of the baby. Guess daddy's six sense was right, Woei Hsian woke up in the middle of the night 2 days ago and told me that he dreamed that we are having a baby girl then went back to zzzz. Pik Geen was telling me that she guess we are having a baby girl too. as well as Scott. everyone is right, hehe...
I always luv this name, Maya. but then sis told me that it can be spell as Mya, and it was so meant to be that she likes her daughter's name as Mya too (if she has one). we both think Mya is cooler than Maya =)
Now, the very "gender discriminate" god mother - javien should finally relieve that i am having a baby girl. or else she doesnt want to be the god mum. what a god mother huh...hehe
the whole process was good. we saw baby's heart, kidney, arms, legs, head, and face. she was so shy that she blocked her face with her arm at the begining but then we keep telling her to move her arm away so that we can see her thru ultrasound and she finally did. that's how we got this scannings =)
now we can start looking and shopping at her clothes...hurray =)